Palestinian Liberation Struggle

On 21/8/1980, Bangladesh planned to issue a stamp titled “Support for the Palestinian Liberation Struggle”. While the stamp’s English inscription uses the term “Freedom Fighters”, the equivalent Arabic inscription states “muqatilin”, translating to “killers”. The intended word was “mujahadeen”.


Due to this error was the stamp not issued. Nonetheless, quite a substantial number of stamps were stolen from the Moscow State Printing Press, where the stamps were produced. Some of these stamps were sold without autho- risation in the postal offices of the cities Comilla and Kotbari.

Support for the Palestinian Liberation Struggle comilla kotbari freedom fighters muqatilin mujahedeen


Block of 4 of withdrawn stamp

Support for the Palestinian Liberation Struggle comilla kotbari freedom fighters muqatilin mujahedeen


Letter from Kotbari with withdrawn stamps