International Bridge

In preparation of the inauguration of the ”International bridge” between Brazil and Argentina stretching over the Uruguay river, Brasil prepared a stamp. Beside the bridge shown on the stamp, the Presidents of Brazil (Vargas) and Argentina (Justo) were also represented. The planned opening of the bridge was due on October 12, 1945, but was postponed to November 15, 1945. Eventually the bridge was opened on May 21, 1947 only. Vargas was ousted from his presidency on October 29, 1945. Therefore the stamp was no longer representative.


Nonetheless, the stamp was sold as of June 15, 1946, solely for collection purposes and did not have validity for franking. 2.000.016 copies were printed. Argentina issued a stamp on the day of inauguration.

Argentina Brazil Uruguay International bridge Vargas Justo


Brasilian stamp block of 4

Argentina Brazil Uruguay International bridge Vargas Justo


Argentinian stamp block of 4