Rhine-Main Airmail Days

On the initiative of Grand Duchess Eleonore von Hessen und bei Rhein, the “Rhine-Main Airmail Days” took place from June 10 to 23, 1912. The Zeppelin „L.Z. Schwaben“ and the Euler biplane “Gelber Hund” (Yellow Hound) transported mail between the cities of Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Mainz, Offenbach and Worms. A special private postcard was initiated and issued by the Grand Duchess for the event. The postage for the flights was paid with semi-official airmail stamps. The subsequent transportation to the recipient was paid for with the regular stamps of the German Empire (Germania stamps at the time).

In addition, a privately produced but officially approved special cancellation was used. On June 14, 1912, the Reichspostministerium (Reich Postal Administration) intervened and prohibited the use of the special cancellation for the airmail stamps, demanding that they be left uncancelled. The Grand Duchess immediately and successfully objected to this, so that on June 16, 1912 the practice of using the special cancellations for the airmail stamps was resumed. Due to the brief intervention, there are covers on which the airmail stamps were not canceled on June 15, 1912.


There are also postcards on which the airmail stamp(s) are canceled with the special postmark dated June 16, 1912, while the regular stamps bear the same postmark dated June 15, 1912. However, such postcards are rarer in practice than postcards bearing both kind of stamps with the special postmark dated June 15, 1912. Apparently either not much attention was paid to the prohibition on the day of its “validity” or the airmail stamps with the date June 15, 1912 were simply canceled retrospectively.

Rhine-Main Airmail Days Gelber Hund Yellow Hound Mainz Frankfurt


Postcard of the airmail days from Mainz to Frankfurt dated June 15, .1912. Flown with “Gelber Hund”, postage 1 Reichsmark (overprint of the airmail stamp). The stamp is not canceled, as required by the Reichspostministerium. The 5 Reichspfennig-Germania as postage for the postal route to the recipient canceled accordingly with the special cancellation.

Rhine-Main Airmail Days L.Z. Schwaben Yellow Hound Nuremberg Frankfurt


Postcard of the airmail days from Frankfurt to Nuremberg dated June 15, 1912. Flown with L..Z. Schwaben, postage 10 Reichspfennig paid with airmail stamp. The stamp specially canceled on June 16, 1912. The 5 Reichspfennig-Germania as postage for the postal route to the recipient canceled on June 15, 1912 with the special cancellation

Rhine-Main Airmail Days Grand Duchess Eleonore von Hessen und bei Rhein L.Z. Schwaben Darmstadt Nieby Frankfurt


Picture postcard with family of the Grand Duchess from Darmstadt to Nieby dated June 14, 1912 (rear). Flown with L.Z. Schwaben, postage 10 Reichspfennig paid with airmail stamp. Both stamps specially canceled on June 14, 1912, one day before the intervention of the Reich Postal Administration.

Rhine-Main Airmail Days Grand Duchess Eleonore von Hessen und bei Rhein L.Z. Schwaben Darmstadt Nieby Frankfurt


Picture postcard with family of the Grand Duchess from Darmstadt to Nieby dated June 14, 1912 (front). Flown with L.Z. Schwaben, postage 10 Reichspfennig paid with airmail stamp. Both stamps specially canceled on June 14, 1912, one day before the intervention of the Reich Postal Administration.

Rhine-Main Airmail Days L.Z. Schwaben Darmstadt Chemnitz


Postcard of the airmail days from Darmstadt to Chemnitz dated June 15, 1912. Flown with L.Z. Schwaben, postage 10 Reichspfennig paid with airmail stamp. The stamp specially canceled on June 15, 1912. The 5 Reichspfennig-Germania as postage for the postal route to the recipient canceled on June 15, 1912 with the special cancellation

Rhine-Main Airmail Days L.Z. Schwaben Darmstadt Wetzlar


Postcard of the airmail days from Darmstadt to Wetzlar dated June 16, 1912. Flown with L.Z. Schwaben, postage 10 Reichspfennig paid with airmail stamp. The stamp specially canceled on June 16, 1912. The 5 Reichspfennig-Germania as postage for the postal route to the recipient on June 16, 1912 canceled with the special postmark. First day on which the order of the Reich Post Ministry was lifted