
One consequence of the Second World War was the displacement of the German population from the former settlement areas of East Prussia, Silesia and Sudetenland. In 1955, 1965 and 1985, the FRG issued stamps with the themes "10 years displacement", "20 years displacement" and "40 years displaced persons".


The issues were considered revanchist in formerly affected countries (Poland, CSSR) and other communist countries (GDR, Soviet Union and others) and objected to in postal war. In Austria, two personalized stamps with the inscription "60 years displacement" were issued in 2004 and 2005 respectively, which are not considered objectionable or corresponding covers are not known.

10 years displacement postal war
20 years displacement postal war
40 years displaced people postal war


10 years displacement


20 years displacement


40 years displaced persons

60 years displacement austria 2004


60 years displacement (2004)


60 years displacement (2005)