85 Years Opel Hetzer

The company “Opel Hetzer”, located in Berlin, initiated a stamp issue with the private postal provider “PIN AG” in 2004. The stamp commemorates the 85th Anniversary of the existence of the company. The stamps were delivered to the purchaser on February 23, 2004.


There was, however, objections raised by the German Postal Authorities regarding the word “Infopost” on the stamp. This word was claimed to be a registered trademark and thus the German Post threatened to take legal action.


Therefore the stamps never hit the PIN shops for sale. Nonetheless the purchaser had already used 7500 of the received stamps for mailing actions. PIN AG delivered a replacement issue to the purchaser on March 2, 2004, with the word “Infomail” imprinted. The PIN shops started selling the replacement stamp on April 5, 2004. The company Hetzer ceased to exist in 2012.

85 years Opel Hetzer withdrawn Infopost



Withdrawn stamp

85 years Opel Hetzer withdrawn Infomail


Replacement stamp

85 years Opel Hetzer withdrawn Infopost letter



Letter sent from the purchaser with withdrawn stamp