World Of Letters II

The 10 cent "Message in a bottle" value was issued on November 2, 2022, as part of the "World of Letters" definitive series. It was issued both as a small sheet in wet-adhesive form and as 200 roll stamps. The matrix code was printed upside down on the roll stamps. However, the matrix code could be read without any problems. Due to the error, the roll stamps were withdrawn from sale after approx. 3 weeks.

A corrected 2nd issue was launched. This one differs most clearly from the first edition in that the EAN code is printed larger. A 3rd issue due to further demand for the stamp, which was sold shortly before Christmas 2024, had the value indicated in the stamp cliché as "010" instead of "10", After the error was known to the post office, a 4th issue was commissioned, which went on sale around January 24, .2023. The 3rd edition was presumably withdrawn. The 3rd and 4th editions again have a smaller EAN code than the 1st edition and are "darker" in color than the 1st and 2nd editions. The 1st and 2nd editions were printed in Enschede, the Netherlands, the 3rd and 4th editions at the Federal Printing Office in Berlin.

World of letters Message in a bottle
World of letters Message in a bottle
World of letters Message in a bottle
World of letters Message in a bottle

First edition

Second edition

Third edition

Fourth edition