Jewish New Year

On September 7, 1970, Israel issued stamps for the Jewish New Year featuring synagogues of the world. One of the stamps was dedicated to the “Great Synagogue” in Tunis. The six-pointed Star of David on the Synagogue’s front embraced the Hebrew word for “Jehovah” (יהוה, literal “YHWH”). This lead to protests, since for orthodox circles, the use of a word for God is regarded as holy, and thus any ill-treatment, like in this case a cancellation, would demand for a treatment equivalent to a holy document. Therefore the stamp would have to be buried or burned in a synagogue. The complete stamp set was withdrawn on December 31, 1970.

Great Synagogue Tunis Jehovah YHWH star of David יהוה
Great Synagogue Tunis Jehovah YHWH star of David יהוה


Left: Withdrawn stamp with "Jehovah"

Right: Zoom into the stamp

Great Synagogue Tunis Jehovah YHWH star of David יהוה


Stamps not affected but withdrawn nonetheless